Hearing loss can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from the aging process to exposure to loud noises. Because of this, millions of Americans are currently living with hearing loss, some may even not realize they have it because it can develop so gradually. If you ever notice symptoms of hearing loss, like asking others to repeat themselves or turning the television or radio up too loud, you might find yourself making an appointment with an audiologist to have a hearing test.
But is it possible that you might still have problems hearing, even if you have passed a hearing test?
What happens during a hearing test?
First of all, it might be helpful to take a look at what exactly happens during a hearing test, what it generally involves, so that you can see what you might want to be prepared for. This can also help us to understand how it might be a possibility that you can have a hearing test and pass it, and still have poor hearing after the fact. If nothing else, it’s good to know the limitations of the hearing test and what it’s all about if we are going to have one ourselves.
Generally, a hearing test will last between 30-60 minutes. It causes no discomfort and is non-invasive, so you don’t need to worry if you are due to have one in the near future. In all likelihood, the audiologist in question will check your ears physically by sight to begin with, and take an oral history from you just to make sure that there is nothing they need to know about first of all. Then they will test one ear at a time.
The first test that they are likely to carry out is called audiometry. This is basically where you are made to listen to different sounds, tones and volumes, through headphones, and you are asked to make it clear whenever you hear a sound, or a change in sound, by pressing a button or lifting your hand or some other signal. The noises may gradually become quieter and softer as your hearing is being tested to its full capacity. You will then get the results of this on something called an audiogram, detailing what your hearing is like at different ranges.
After that, the audiologist might ask you to wear a vibrating pad inside a headband. This sends sounds directly through the bones and to the cochlea on both sides of your head, and it is a way of testing that the nerves themselves are working or whether they are damaged. That is a very important part of the test, as that kind of damage can be very serious and severe indeed if it does occur.
There are many other possible tests that you might be asked to carry out besides these ones, and it all depends on the individual audiologist, your needs and complaints, and whatever else might be relevant at the time. It is important that you are prepared for a range of tests to be carried out – and that is really what you want, as it shows that your hearing is being checked thoroughly.
Passing the hearing test
At the end of it, your audiologist should share with you the results of the tests. This can be done straight away, and you will immediately get a sense of what your hearing is officially like on paper. In order to pass the hearing test, that will depend on a number of factors, and it will largely be to do with what the audiologist feels is going to be necessary going forward in terms of treatment. It is perfectly possible that you might pass the test overall, but still have experiences of poor hearing sometimes, or still experience other issues such as tinnitus for example. The test merely gives you a picture of where your hearing is. Likewise, you might pass one part of it and not another.
Finding a trusted audiologist
Of course, all of this is dependent on finding an audiologist whom you feel you can trust. If you are looking for that at the moment, consider contacting Allison Audiology & Hearing Aid Center, P.C. at this phone number: Houston: 713-827-1767. With that kind of professional help on board, you should find that you are much more able to trust the results of the tests.