Hearing Health Awareness Month: What We Learned

by | Oct 5, 2020 | Hearing Healthcare, Patient Resources

To help educate the community, we crafted three detailed articles that shared facts and helpful information around hearing loss and the importance of addressing your hearing challenges.

Making Waves

During August 2020, our Hearing Health Awareness Month created waves throughout Houston .

Among other things, the event highlighted why a hearing loss can affect a person’s quality of life without them knowing.

In particular, the widespread use of face masks has made people realize that their hearing may be declining, as these prevent people from lip reading and sharing visual cues.

Whatever your concerns, the best way to solve these problems is to book a comprehensive hearing assessment with one of our amazing audiologists.

These are some of the ways in which we raised awareness:

Helpful and Informative Articles

To help educate the community, we crafted three detailed articles that shared facts and helpful information around hearing loss and the importance of addressing your hearing challenges.


While most people know what takes place at an eye exam, lots are unsure about what happens at a hearing test. This article gave you the inside scoop on the process from start to finish!


It’s not uncommon for people to wait ten years before booking their first hearing assessment. This let you know why people delay treatments that could vastly improve their conditions.


We’re advocates for solution-based care at Allison Audiology, and this article gave you an insight into why this is so important to us.

We Shared the Message Loud & Proud

The Key Numbers

It was incredibly important for us to reach as many people as we could with our messages during Hearing Health Awareness Month. This took place on our website, social media platforms, and in daily interactions.

In total, we carried out 587 face-to-face appointments, called over 2,000 patients, and created content viewed by over 100,000 people.

“I can’t really remember when I first realized I might have a hearing challenge – it was years ago. I didn’t have any major concerns before visiting Allison Audiology, and now I actually look forward to it! The staff is so very kind and personable, particularly Dr. Austin and the office staff. My hearing aids impacted my life immediately, making it better in every way. If you’re considering visiting Allison Audiology, my advice would be to go immediately!”

–        Carole K

“My wife kept telling me that I didn’t listen to her and wasn’t hearing as I used to. I visited Allison Audiology and my first impressions were that they are a caring and awesome bunch! My hearing aids have given me a massive improvement in my awareness of what is going on around me, and I would recommend that anyone concerned about their hearing gets a test and gets hearing aids if needed.”

–        William C

“About two years ago, I noticed that I had to ask my husband to repeat things on TV shows we were watching. I knew my hearing wasn’t 100 percent. My first impression of Allison Audiology was that they were a local, comfortable office with friendly staff. I chose to wear Lyric Hearing Aids and can now hear perfectly and no one can tell I’m wearing them!

My advice to others would be to make an appointment, get tested, and find out if you do have hearing loss.”

–        Lisa C

We’re incredibly thankful to all of our patients that supported “Hearing Health Awareness Month” and helped to spread the word. If you would like to schedule your hearing assessment, then click here for full details.

If you have a question or would like to receive professional guidance, then our team is here for you at Houston (713) 827-1767​ (979) 292-8501.

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

Jana Emola-Austin, Au.D.

Raised in Bryan, Texas, Jana completed her undergraduate studies at Texas A&M University before attending the University of North Texas with an ambition to earn her master’s degree in speech pathology. However, a required audiology class soon set her on a new career path. She became enthralled with the subject and says audiology resonated with her because it involved everything she enjoys – helping people to improve their lives and relationships with others and using technology to make positive impacts. Following this revelation, Jana went on to graduate with her Doctor of Audiology degree. After many years of assisting patients in the clinic on a daily basis, Jana’s main responsibilities at Allison Audiology have shifted to a management role. She now works behind the scenes focusing on administrative, management, and marketing responsibilities.