Earwax Removal Professionals in Houston, TX
Does your hearing seem muted or are your ears stuffy or aching? You could be experiencing an issue with impacted earwax.
Earwax is nature’s way of cleaning out your ears by attracting and capturing dirt, dust, and other debris while also preventing irritation and infection, but it can build up and become impacted. Impacted earwax can lead to dizziness, balance problems, headaches, ear pain, and a sudden hearing loss.
The use of cotton swabs or some other object (we shudder to imagine) in order to clear out the earwax is usually the most common cause of impacted earwax, because in the process of attempting to clean it out, the earwax gets pushed together or pushed farther down your ear canal, making things worse.
The safest, most effective, and fastest way to get rid of earwax is to have it removed by a hearing care specialist at Allison Audiology and Hearing Aid Center.
What Happens During an Earwax Removal Appointment?
If you’ve had your ears cleaned in the past, there is a chance it wasn’t the most comfortable experience.
Many use a curette for removal, shoving it deep into your ear canal, poking, and pulling the wax out. Irrigation can be just as uncomfortable if the water is cold or at too high of pressure, making ear cleaning both uncomfortable and distressing.
Our Houston office uses the Earigator for safe, easy, effective, and comfortable earwax removal. Unlike traditional irrigation methods, the Earigator warms the water to your body’s temperature and helps to soften the wax while it massages your ear canal.
Once the wax softens, it, and any accompanying debris, is gently flushed from your ear canal.
You’ll not only enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you have clean ears, free of occluding debris, fungi, bacteria, and any other nastiness, but you’re less likely to put off having your ears cleaned or trying to do it yourself.
To see our earwax removal experts and Earigator in action, visit our social media pages to check out our earwax removal videos.